Rabu, 14 Mei 2008

rePost Bulbo2 fsQ..

ini ni bulbo2 q yang uda pernah q posting di fs q.. q post aaj semuanya di sini,, biar bs dibaca..[yo mes to mien,,]

SmS Lucu si.. Tp tragis :-|
Jumat, 4 April, 2008 7:14 PM

Hidup emang ironis..
Saat qta bhgia, tak
seorang pun
memperhtikan senyum qta.
Saat qta sedih, tak
seorang pun
memperdulikan airmata
Tp saat qta kentut,
semua orang menoleh
pada qta.. :d

Nobody as like me.. :D
Senin, 14 April, 2008 5:58 PM

Maybe i'm nobody for u..
Maybe i'm nobody for d
world.. But it's not mean
that i'm not somebody for
anyone else.. And that's
all not closed d
probability that maybe i'm
d world for someone in
out there.. :D

Senin, 28 April, 2008 9:48 AM

biarkan aq hanyut..
dan (tak) tergantikan..

Taman PA
Senin, 28 April, 2008 10:00 AM

Aq tduduk sndiri d taman pa ini, menunggu dr.faroek yg g dateng2..
Ada macem2 tanaman lo d taman pa ini..
Ad pohon kayu putih(klo g salah liat) setangkai bunga merah yg bs diseduh jd teh herbal warna pink, palem2an, jambu aer, belimbhng, mangga, ceres, bugenfil, lidah mertua, dikejauhan ad pnhon juwet, jg tanaman2 laen yg cem macem tp g tau namany.. Jam10, angin semilir, burung bekicau, cahaya atahari terang, dgn langit biru tanpa awan.. Membuatq mengantuk.. =.=
Ngentang2 2 jam disini, sepi, smua suara bergaung di tembok2 jadul.. Huwaa.. Mndukung bgd bwt bo2k.. Oh dr.q yg baek hati.. Cptlah dtg! Tumben2 aq ampe smpt moco radang ma neoplasma ampe khatam.. Hayu datanglah.. Tak taukah dikau klo diriq sdg tencrem??:s
kburu jebol ne bacaanq.. Short memory bgd se utekq:s
Huwaa.. Selak lupa aq, cuma inget histamin ma serotonin sbg mediator peningkat permebialitas vasa yg plg awal..:s
dr.faroek, cpt po o.. Aq padamu:x

Top speedq
Senin, 28 April, 2008 10:14 AM

Seumur2 aq ngebut pke motor cm bs ampe 110km/jam.. Lelet bgd yak.. Owh shogun r 110cc itemq.. I miZz u so much.. Masa2 gila sma d malang^^
qta ud jatuh bgn ma kecegat silup brapa bnyk yak??
Hahakz.. Gmn nasibmu abis dijual?? Msh te2p bwt ngebud kah??
Hehe.. MizZ u pull.. Jd inget waktu kmu dianiyaya bpkq dibawa k jogja-mlg pp pdhl msh masa rayent(tulisany gmn yak?), trus dbw ma klo agunk yo eros edun bwt ke coban glotak pdhl medan e kayak gtu.. Dipikire motor trail po piye.. Tp teu2tep.. Yg plg heboh wktu qta b2 nyungsep di kolong mobilny org ampe kmu nyangkut n ancur2an.. Hehe..
Jd nostalgila gene..
where r U??

Hal gila apalagi yakk?
Senin, 28 April, 2008 10:36 AM

Hal gila k2 yg qinget waktu ke pulau sempu di malang slatan..
Asli tu pulau top bgt bgd.. Kesana diajakin lek yun sbg penyandang dana, dimeriahkan oleh keponakan2ny (tmasuk aq) dan teman2 genk keponakany.. Berangkatlah bsama naek libom pick upny lek tono dan istri yg sdg hamil.. Nyampe sana sore ato ud malem ya.. Lupa.. Karna pulau jd harus naek prahu dulu dr pantai sendang biru.. Trus pokokny qta bu2k di atas tiker tanpa tenda di pesisir pasir segoro anakan yg so amazing.. (kliatan pikunny ni aq:p)
Duh jd kangenn!! >.<

dr.Faroek,, aq menunggumu.. again!!
Selasa, 29 April, 2008 9:37 AM

Msh te2p d dingklik yg sama.. Te2p di hari cerah yg sama.. Te2p d taman pa yg sama.. Klo kyk gini idup brasa bjalan lambat yak.. Tp pesimis neh,, aq nunggu dr jam8 ampe skrg dr.faroekq g dateng2 pdhl ud jam10 kurang, n dr.faroek kan ad acara jam10..
Jd kykny nyetor tampang doank de.. Hehe.. ^^v
gpp deh.. Lgan aq blajarny br dpt separo.. UG cewek bnyk bgd slideny:s
mana yg blkang2 yg pnting2 bnyk apalany.. Ntar klo ditnya ndomblong tok isin aq.. Hoho.. :p
Jauh lbh menyenangkn menunggu oh dr.faroekq.. Drpd nunggu pak basori.. :s
yg pnting prutq ud kenyang.. :pv
duh.. Malez blajar bgd se.. Bwaany pgn bu2k truzZz.. :p
Oh iya.. Bagi kaum perempuan.. Ntar abis nikah jgn lupa rutin Pap Smear staon skali ya.. Ini utk mendeteksi kanker mulut rahim.. Kanker yg plg banyak di Indonesia.. Gtu.. Owkeh ibuk2 (^o^)v

Sesederhana itu..
Selasa, 29 April, 2008 5:43 PM

Jika dirimu
(kesadaranmu lbh tepatny),,
mengecil dan menyusut.
Merasuk masuk dlm sirkulasi darahmu, hanyut dlm darah melewati lorong2 vena dan arteri.. Terhempas pompa jantung, melewati carotis sampe ke kapiler di lobus otakmu.. Dan kmu menyusut hanya mjd glukosa.. Terhanyut2 dlm plasma.. Tertabrak red blood cell swarna merah karmizi kaya Hb.. Terjerembab diantara substansi.. Dan mengikuti hukum tekanan onkotik kmu menembus blood brain barrier.. Dan kmu smakin menyusut mjd hanya sebuah atom C diantara C6H1206 yg thanyut.. Kmu msuk k sel galia karena transport aktif yg bth ATP.. Dan kmu masuk.. Mlesak menembus mitokondria.. Dan kmu smakin menyusut.. Hanya mjd sebuah elektron dlm cincin terluar sbuah atom C.. Dan kmu bputar mengelilingi inti.. Menggasing berotasi skaligus berevolusi thd neutron.. Seperti bumi thd matahari, seperti malaikat mengelilingi arsy.. Bputar tiada henti.. Karna,,
Allah Maha Besar..
Cukup dgn elektron bhnti bputar maka dunia g bakal ad.. (^_^)

Rabu, 30 April, 2008 6:46 AM

di dlmny ad IgA,, sebuah antibodi
mrupakan pthanan tubuh
melawan mikroorganism yg ingin menginvasi mukosa
kluar ktika sedih atopun senang
sebuah luapan jiwa
ekspresi saat high emotion
ptahanan yg lain
sebuah mekanisme ptahanan
ptanda sesuatu yg diluar dr biasa
tjd pd qta
dropping one by one
or like stream
just falling down..

Hai gadis kecil yg disana..
Rabu, 30 April, 2008 1:19 PM

Titik titik sembab itu..
tersisa di ujung lentik bulumatamu
aliran ingus itu bahkan blum sempat kau hapus
sunggukanmu membayangi tiap helaan napasmu..
Hai gadis kecil yg duduk disana,,
ada apa?
Sore ini mendung tak berpelangi..
Becek sisa2 hujan bahkan kontras membingkai sosokmu..
Cuaca mmg sdg kelabu,,
tp mengapa hatimu terikut galau?
Ada apa gadis kecil tanpa payung disana?
Baju kumalmu membunglonkan dirimu dalam kemuraman sore ini..
Tp ntah mgapa auramu memancar menarik ekor mataq..
Ad apa gadis kecil?
Apakah hidup mmg terlalu kejam utk tubuh kuyumu..
memang hari ini bkn harimu..
Hatiq terpesona oleh sinar abu2 itu,,
namun hedoisme akalq mebwtq tetap mlangkah dlm khidupan egois yg tanpa apresiasi kilau nurani..
Gadis kecil,,
seandainy qta dpt btemu lagi..
Tlg ajari aq tentang bgaimna manusia hidup..
Dan ttg bgaimna khidupan sharusny dijalani..

tapal batas
Jumat, 2 Mei, 2008 7:52 AM

Di tapal batas,, jiwaq meregang..
Terombang ambing keraguan..
Kakiq menggantung kaku d udara..
Ato qharus kmbali?
Aq capek mghadapi ini smua,,
dunia tlalu berat utkq..
Tp aq jg trlalu pengecut utk mati..
Kemunafikanq ini,,
mbwtq hidup bagai byang2..

Jumat, 2 Mei, 2008 10:28 AM

"set me free
fly over d limits
no boundaries
feel d freddom"
dan aq mjajah dirimu,,
taukah engkau?
Udara yg kau hirup adlh kentutq
Sadarkah engkau?
Air yg kau reguk adlh urineq
Mengertikah engkau?
Apa yg kau telan hanyalah sampahq,,
dan kau sesumbar membanggakanny..
Okay okay..
Lets continues this moron things wahai manusia yg mrasa pintar yg disana..
That's ur choice!;)

Need this single time only
Jumat, 2 Mei, 2008 4:18 PM

Life is so heavy for me..
no one
have nobody
dan q mrana..
Qmeledak sndiri
qberpikir sndiri
dr dulu brusaha survive sndiri
tak pny sapa2
hanya 1org yg mbwtq trus idup, namun q tak tega mlibatkny
dan q mlangkah sndiri
dgn sgala kcamuk hati, kegilaan pikiran, dan jiwa yg tentram..
Merasakan sakit ini
My brave
pikiran2 liarq
smua ny sendiri..
Biarkan aq menangis
menangisi diriq menangisi idupq
Tlg biarkan aq..
Plis,, utk saat ini saja
krn qtak kuat lagi,,
Sebelum aq memasang tembok tinggi lg
dan brusaha tak peduli tuk melupakan smuany..

Jumat, 2 Mei, 2008 5:56 PM

Tdengar gmricik air keran yg mengalir.. Alunan musik di latar blkg,
Srasa jiwa ini tersedot. Kabut turun. Terhanyut. Memblok dunia luar. Isolasi ini mendayu..
Hatiq thanyut, pikiranq luruh, kesadaranq mengambang..
Mata ini hanya 2 bola, ntah apa yg tlihat..
Prasaan ini hampa. Hanya brasa berat. Namun undefinied,, q hanya mlangkah mlayang. Tehuyung2 dipandu suara aliran air q bjalan. Samar2 tlihat wajah itu,, cuma sesaat krn q tak mau mengingatny lagi.. Hmm.. Sayatan itu lagi,, mrasuk bsamaan sayatan vokal yg menusuk.. Pedih. Perih d tanganq tak ada apa2ny drpd hatiq.. Hmm.. Pedih ini meluruh,, sama spt luruhny warna merah karmizi dlm air yg mengalir.. Aq mengantuk.. Aq mengantuk.. Aq cuma ingin tidur,, jgn ganggu tidurq,, jgn bangunkan aq.. Biarkan q terlelap,, bsama senyum yg tersemat dlm aliran air mata ini.. Basah. Dingin. Dan q melayang..

Put Ur Records On
Minggu, 4 Mei, 2008 4:32 AM

-=singing by: Corinne Bailey Rae=-

Three litttle birds, sat on my window
And they told me i dont need to worry
Summer came like cinnamon
So sweet,
Little girls double-dutch on d concrete
#)Maybe sometimes, we got it wrong, but its alright
D more things seem to change, d more they stay d same
Oh, dont u hesitate
*)Girl, put ur records on, tell me ur favourite song
U go ahead, let ur hair down
Sapphire n faded jeans, i hope u get ur dreams
Just go ahead, let ur hair down
~)U r gonna find urself somewhere, somehow
Blue as d sky, sombre n lonely
Sipping tea in d bar by d road side
(just relax, just relax)
Dont u let those other boys fool u
Gotta luv that afro hair do
[back to #) *) ~)]
Just more than i could take, pity for pity's shake
Some nights kept me awake, i tought that i was stranger
When u gonna realise, that u dont even have to try any longer
Do what u want to
[back to *) *) ~)]

Fix You
Minggu, 4 Mei, 2008 4:44 AM

-= by: Coldplay =-

When u try ur best, but u dont succeed
When u get what u want, but not what u need
When u feel so tired, but u cant sleep
Stuck in reverse..
When d tears come streaming down ur face
When u lose something u cant replace
When u luv someone, but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?
*) Lights will guide u home
N ignite ur bones
N i will try to fix u
High up above or down below
When u too in luv to let it go
If u neva try u'll neva know
Just what u r worth
*) Light will guide u home
N ignite ur bones
N i will try to fix u

Hahakz.. G pnting bgdd!
Minggu, 4 Mei, 2008 7:43 AM

Lg denger
black kid yg "i am not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you.."
dlm kasusq your girlfriend kale ya.. /(~_~)\
jeleZ n broken heart 2x dlm nick 2nd edition
Nyante wah..
Ujuk kaget,,
cuma cintrong g pnting d dunia maya :pv
Qingin tereak:
[lg busaha mnkonversi kata2 bonbinq k anggrek.. Hehe :pv.red]
SmaNAT!! :D9
btw, tp klo d inget2 lbh parah broken heart for d f1st nick edition,,
ya kan Van my beloped plen! Hayukk van.. Qta iris atiny kecil2.. Kmu pke pisau aq pke golok! (^o^)/
Hyakakahakz.. :Dv

Minggu, 4 Mei, 2008 7:49 AM

Jd keinget Arsy Patria..
My first luph ^^
Ad yg knAl g??
Brp juta taon yakk g ktmu..
[mbatin: pagee ini otekq knpa yak?? Kejedot bee :s]

_easier to run_
Minggu, 4 Mei, 2008 11:17 AM

[linkin park]

*) its easier to run replacing this pain with sumthing numb
its so much easier to go
than face all this pain here all alone
#) sumthing has been taken
from deep inside of me
a secret i've kept locked away
no one can ever see
wounds so deep they neva show
they neva go away
like woving pictures in my head
for years n years they've played
^) if i could change i would
take back d pain i would
retrace every wrong move that i made i would
if i could..
stand up n take d blame i would
if i could take all d shame to grave i would
#) sumtimes i remember
d darkness of my past
bringing back these memories
i wish i didnt have
sumtimes i think of letting go
n neva looking back
n neva moving forward so
there would neva be a past
~) just washin it aside
all of d helplessness inside
pretending i dont feel misplaced
is so much simpler than changer..
*) its easier to run
replacing this pain with sumthing numb
its so much easier to go
than face all this pain here all alone..

_memories in d rain_
Minggu, 4 Mei, 2008 9:07 PM

Huwaa.. Tumben2 di saat2 panas2ny sby gini hujan turun.. Senangny!! >.

Frog Prince
Senin, 5 Mei, 2008 7:10 PM


an old fairytale told me
the simple heart will be prized again
a toad will be our king
and ugly ogres our heroes
then you'll shake
your fist at the sky
"Oh why did i rely on fashions and small fry?"
all promises broken
feed your people or lose your throne
and forte it your whole kingdom
i'd sooner lose it than still live in it alone
you were our golden child
but the gentle and the mild
inherit the earth,,
your prince's crown
cracks and falls down
your castle hollow and cold
you've wondered so far
from the person you are
let go brother, let go
coz now we all know
soon, sumone will put a spell on you
perfume, treasure, sorcery every trick they know
you will lie in deep sleep,,
that's when
your prince's crown
cracks and falls down
your castle hollow and cold
you've wondered so far
from the person you are
let go brother, let go
coz now we all know..

Senin, 5 Mei, 2008 7:47 PM


StaRin9 bRi9ht thRou9h tHe wiNdow
You'rE beNdin9 oveR t0 mE a sEnTimeNtaL foRsaKeN
You'rE tRyin9 haRd yEt to coMfoRt
bUt you'rE wAvin9 mE 9oodBye
a sEntiMenTaL foRsaKen
You'rE Lo0kiNg aRouNd you aRe HastEd
You'rE sUpeRvisiNg my cHief
My heaRt is tiKkin9, Let it oN
LooKs Like you'rE dYin9 to say
buT Now yoU tUrn youR HeaD aWay
9et oUt aND Leave mE, Let it on
But wHen it's goin9 to bE OK
I'm cRuisiN' on a tRain
I've 9ot to feaR no HoLiday
fEar is wheRe I'm iN
You'rE StaRin9 bRi9ht
tHr0ugh tHe wiNdow
yoU're moVin9 cL0ser to mE
a SeNtiMenTaL ForSakEn
You'rE tRyin9 haRd yet t0 c0mfoRt
But n0w y0u'rE WaviN9 mE go0dbYe
9et oUt aNd LeaVe mE, Let it oN
But wHen it'S 9oiNg t0 be 0K
I'm cRuiSiN' oN a tRaiN
I've 9ot to FeaR n0 h0LidAy
fEaR is wHEre I'm iN..

Selasa, 6 Mei, 2008 12:47 PM

Diriq bth prubahan. Titik.

Nobody Said It Was Easy
Kamis, 8 Mei, 2008 10:10 AM


Come up to meet ya, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell you I need ya
And tell you I set you apart
Tell me your secrets, and nurse me your questions
Oh lets go back to the start
Running in circles, coming in tails
Heads on a science apart
Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start
I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart
Questions of science, science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart
And tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start
Running in circles, chasing tails
Coming back as we are
Nobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I'm going back to the start

I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You
Kamis, 8 Mei, 2008 10:15 AM

[Black Kid]

You are the girl that I've been dreaming of
Ever since I was a little girl
I'm biting my tongue
He's kissin' on you
Oh, why can't you see?
One! Two! Three! Four!
The word's on the streets and it's on the news
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance with you
He's got two left feet and he bites my moves
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance! dance! dance! dance!
The second I do, I know we're gonna be through
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance with you
He don't suspect a thing. I wish he'd get a clue
I'm not gonna teach him how to dance! dance! dance! dance!
You're biting my tongue
I'm kissin' on you
Is he better than me?

Cried of the Heart
Jumat, 9 Mei, 2008 11:22 AM

Do u know d luphly one?
everytime i pushed off my mind just for stopping called out ur name
everytime only u that i can look in my eyes
only u who i imaginating in my head
everytime i wanna tell u how much i luv u
everytime just cried out coz i missing u deeply
everytime remembers u
n halucinating if i can have memories with u together
pretends u r mine
everytime i wanna touch u to feels u here but it's only empty air in my hands..
It's all just about u
I'm luving u
U know that excatly..
But why u still pushed me away??
R u neva know it was hurted??

LuV Letter bwt Teman2 Mig yg TeCinTah :x :*
Sabtu, 10 Mei, 2008 7:47 AM

Uhuk uhuk,,
dgn ini saya cuma mo blnk klo nick q yg my.mind ud g qpegang lagee..
Coz ud dipinjem org laen..
Sekian n tengkyu alots! ^o^
Luph U all..
Maaphin y klo aq ad salah2 ma kalian..
Tengkyu for everytin
Salam cinta slalu!
Hehe =n_n=

..My Rectoverso..
Selasa, 13 Mei, 2008 7:57 PM

Im neva truly fight ing in mylife.
Im luking it n if i think thats so heavy without eva try it i give up n run n lie..
Thats make me feel so empty.
Make me neva stop to ask wad d meaning me had created in this worldwide.
N im try think so hard to reach it. N i forgotten to doing wad truly i must do. Im goin everywhere to just found that i gotta nothing. Coz,,
it just in here. So closed. But im blind. Im neva know n still goin along so far..
Dan aq tersesat.
My Rectoverso.
Does it come true??
When i open my eyes. Looking d truth. Neva lied or run away. From d right direction. With peacfully mind. Atas Ridho Tuhanq..
..Half full, Half empty..

Rabu, 14 Mei, 2008 8:01 AM

Un Sol Em Noite
matahari di kala malam..

Minha sol,,
u so bright
minha sol,,
u light mylife
minha sol,,
u make night more than dark
minha sol,,
i reach u
minha sol,,
i mizZ u
minha sol,,
i neva stopping luving u
minha sol,,
u r my everytin
minha sol,,
where r u??
Minha sol,,
come to me
n say that i'm ur meu vem..

PS : kpn ya ad yg blnk kyk gene k aq? Hwehwe ;pv

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